Quick start

This is a tutorial that should be enough to get you started using papis. Papis tries to be as simple and lightweight as possible, therefore its document model should be too as simple as possible.

But before taking a look at its database structure let us show the daily usage of papis for a regular user. This tutorial is command-line based, so you should be familiar with opening a terminal window on your system and do some general operations with it, like creating folders and files.

Creating a new library

We will illustrate the process by creating a first library with a couple of pdf documents in it. Papis can be highly configured using configuration files. Many programs use configuration files maybe without you being aware of it. Papis’ configuration files are stored together inside the folder


Bear in mind that ~ means “Home Directory”. Inside this directory a configuration file is found,


Right now we will open this file for editing and we will create a library. In papis everything should be human-readable and human-editable. So adding a library is as easy as adding two lines to this configuration file.

Say that you want to create a “papers” library, where you can finally order all those pdf’s hanging around on your computer. We create this library by putting these two lines inside the config file:

dir = ~/Documents/mypapers

In the above lines we have created a library with the name papers which is located in the directory ~/Documents/mypapers. So all the documents that we will be adding to the library will be located inside ~/Documents/mypapers, and nowhere else. Everything that papis needs to take care of your papers library is inside the ~/Documents/mypapers directory, self-contained.

If you have not already, add the two lines to the ~/.config/papis/config file and save it, and we will proceed to add some documents. Of course, you have to make sure that the folder ~/Documents/mypapers exists, so go ahead and create it

mkdir -p ~/Documents/mypapers

Adding the first document

If you don’t have any special pdf lying around let me choose one for you: link. You can download this document and we are going to add it into the papers library.

Assuming that you have the document in the current directory and you have renamed the document to document.pdf, do the following to add the pdf into your library:

papis add document.pdf --set author "Newton" --set title "Principia Mathematica"

And it’s done! We have added our first book to the library.

Let us see how this works exactly. Papis consists of many commands, and one of these commands is add. add itself has many flags, which are options for the given command. In the example above we have used the flags author and title to tell papis to use Newton as the author’s name and Principia Mathematica as the document’s title. You can see all the possible flags for the command add if you use the help flag, i.e., if you issue the following command

papis add --help

Now you are asking yourself, what happened to the pdf-file? Where is it stored? Is it stored in an obscure database somewhere in my computer? No, papis just copied the document.pdf file into a folder inside the library folder ~/Documents/papers/. If you now go there, you will see that a folder with a weird name has been created. Inside of the folder there is the document.pdf file and another file, info.yaml.

If you open the info.yaml file you will see the following contents:

author: Newton
title: Principia Mathematica
- document.pdf

This file is all that papis uses to store the information of your newly added document. It is stored in a nicely readable yaml format.

Now you already have your first document, and.. you can open it! Just do

papis open

and the document should open in your default pdf-viewer. You can change the default pdf-viewer in your configuration file (see section on Configuration file).

Now you can try to repeat the same process with another pdf-file lying around. When you hit papis open again, it will ask you which one you want. If you input parts of the title or the author’s name it will try to match what you typed with the paper you are looking for, so that you can get the desired paper very easily.

Of course papis shines really in other areas, for instance imagine you are browsing this paper prl paper and you want to add it to your library, as of version v0.9 you can issue one of these commands

papis add https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.171801/
papis add --from doi 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.171801/

Here you can see it in action using the smart matching first alternative