
Exporting documents to BibTeX is done in the same way throughout Papis. However, given the nature of TeX, there are some special corner cases to bear in mind when deciding on a workflow.

Note that you can check out the settings related to BibTeX handling in BibTeX options.

Unicode output

If you are using TeX engines like XeTeX or LuaTeX, then you can use unicode characters for your BibTeX files as well. This means there is no need to write \`{a} instead of à in words such as apareixerà. To control the output of unicode characters in Papis, use the bibtex-unicode setting.

Override keys

There might be some issues with this approach though. If you are exporting the information from your info.yaml to a BibTeX file, characters like & or $ have a special meaning in TeX and would need to be escaped. When bibtex-unicode = False, these characters would be exported as \& and \$, respectively. If it is just a couple of documents that are causing this problem, you can just override the problematic field like so

title: Масса & энергия
title_latex: Масса \& энергия
author: Fok, V. A.
type: article
volume: '48'
year: '1952'

In this example, the title that will be added to the BibTeX entry is title_latex, since we have overridden it by appending the _latex suffix to the title key.

Ignore keys

If you do not want to export certain keys to the BibTeX file, like the abstract, you might use the bibtex-ignore-keys setting to omit them in the exporting process.