Papis uses pytest
for its testing infrastructure and makes use of some of
its more advanced features (such as
fixtures) to
set everything up. The command-line interface is based on click
and is
tested using their testing helpers.
We give here an overview of the pieces needed to test the various parts of the Papis codebase, but in general mimicking existing tests is your best choice.
Using the default configuration
The Papis configuration is automatically loaded (and cached) on the first call
to a function such as papis.config.get()
or papis.config.set()
. By
default, it loads the configuration of the current user, somewhere at
. This is obviously not desired for testing purposes,
as the configuration settings may differ, leading to incorrect results (that
make the CI fail).
To handle this, the TemporaryConfiguration
manager can temporarily redirect all the configuration paths to a
temporary location and load the default settings. It can be used as:
import papis.testing
def test_me() -> None:
# Include test setup here
with papis.testing.TemporaryConfiguration() as config:
# Add here tests that use papis.config functionality
# and that require default values
# Any calls outside of the context manager will take values
# from the user configuration file if it exists
With pytest
, we can use a fixture to overwrite the configuration
for the whole function scope. For example, this can look like:
import pytest
import papis.testing
def test_me(tmp_config: papis.testing.TemporaryConfiguration) -> None:
# All calls to papis.config in this function will point
# to the temporary configuration
assert tmp_config.configfile == papis.config.get_config_file()
The tmp_config()
fixture is bundled with
Papis and can be used directly as above. It uses the config_setup
to pass keyword arguments directly to the underlying context manager. Check out
the documentation for papis.testing.TemporaryConfiguration
to see
additional attributes and functionality provided by this class.
If the test requires access to a Papis library, e.g. to add, remove, or load
documents from the disk, the papis.testing.TemporaryLibrary
manager should be used instead. It also has a corresponding fixture called
that can be configured with library_setup
as follows:
import pytest
import papis.testing
def test_me(tmp_library: papis.testing.TemporaryLibrary) -> None:
# This function inherits all functionality of TemporaryConfiguration
# and also has a small library populated with a dozen-ish documents
# with random files and metadata attached
assert tmp_library.libname == papis.config.get_lib_name()
If the user also has a ~/.config/papis/config.py, this is always read and
inserted into the Papis global scope using eval()
. This cannot be handled
in a clean fashion by TemporaryConfiguration
, so a new pytest
was introduced to point to an empty configuration before the tests are loaded.
It can be used like (and is enabled by default in pyproject.toml
python -m pytest --papis-tmp-xdg-home tests
The doctests also try to load the global user configuration and cannot easily
use the TemporaryConfiguration
context manager or the associated fixture.
To deal with this an autouse=True
fixture is introduced. It can be used
like (and is enabled by default in pyproject.toml
python -m pytest --papis-tmp-doctests papis
Testing commands
To test papis
commands (such as papis add
), we make use of the infrastructure
from click.testing.CliRunner
and, in particular, the customized
. To run a papis
command as it would be
invoked from the command-line, use:
import papis.testing
def test_me(tmp_library: papis.testing.TemporaryLibrary) -> None:
from papis.commands.add import cli
cli_runner = papis.testing.PapisRunner()
result = cli_runner.invoke(
# The first argument needs to be a function that was wrapped by
# @click.group or @click.command to have all the argument handling:
# The second argument is a list of command-line arguments that will
# be passed to the cli similar to how subprocess works:
["--from", "doi", "10.1007/s11075-008-9193-8"]
assert result.exist_code == 0
The second argument to invoke()
is a list of
arguments that should match exactly what would be passed on the command-line.
The invocation returns a click.testing.Result
that has captured the
STDOUT and STDERR streams and can be easily inspected for testing purposes.
Testing downloaders
Testing importers and downloaders generally requires handling some remote
resources, which are then converted to the Papis format and saved as documents
in the library. To help with downloading and caching these resources, we can use
the papis.testing.ResourceCache
This class handles caching resources on disk so that they can be used and compared against in the test. In particular, testing a downloader involves the following steps:
Remote: download resource from a URL or retrieve from a local path (if it exists).
Convert: feed the remote resource to Papis for conversion.
Local: retrieve an expected result from a local path (if it exists), otherwise save the existing conversion.
Check: check current conversion against the cached local resource.
When first adding a test case for a downloader, the resources are downloaded and
cached automatically, since they do not exist. To update the resources for a test,
environment variable when running the tests
locally. This is done in the following way:
PAPIS_UPDATE_RESOURCES=remote python -m pytest -v -s test/downloaders/test_acl.py
# ... or ...
PAPIS_UPDATE_RESOURCES=local python -m pytest -v -s test/downloaders/test_acl.py
# ... or ...
PAPIS_UPDATE_RESOURCES=both python -m pytest -v -s test/downloaders/test_acl.py
The resources can also be updated in the test itself by using the force
argument to get_remote_resource()
. The resource cache can
also be accessed through a fixture called resource_cache()
that can be configured through the resource_setup
marker. For example, we
can write something like
def test_me(tmp_config: papis.testing.TemporaryConfiguration,
resource_cache: papis.testing.ResourceCache,
monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
# Pick a URL and some filenames to cache
url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.naacl-main.2/"
infile = "ACL-2022-naacl-main-2.html"
outfile = "ACL-2022-naacl-main-2-out.json"
# Monkeypatch the downloader to use the resource_cache:
downloader = papis.downloaders.get_downloader_by_name("acl")
monkeypatch.setattr(downloader, "_get_body",
lambda: resource_cache.get_remote_resource(infile, url))
# Fetch remote resource data and check it against the stored version:
expected_data = resource_cache.get_local_resource(outfile, downloader.ctx.data)
assert expected_data == downloader.ctx.data