This command allows users to add and remove tags to documents in their library.
To add a tag use the
) option:papis tag --add TAG1 --add TAG2 QUERY
This will add TAG1 and TAG2 to a document matched by QUERY. You can repeat
as many times as you need. The query is any query supported by papis. If the query matches more than one document, Papis’ picker will be started to let you pick the document from those matched (just as with Papis’ other commands).Tags are only added if they do not already exist, which is to say that the same tag cannot exist more than once in a given document.
To remove a tag use the
) option:papis tag --remove TAG1 QUERY
This removes TAG1 from the document. If it didn’t exist before, nothing happens. You can use
as many times as you like to remove multiple tags.Use
) to remove all tags:papis tag --drop --add TAG1 QUERY
This removes all tags from the document and then adds TAG1. You can of course also use
by itself to simply remove all tags without adding new ones.Use
) with any of the other options to apply the tagging operation to all matching documents:papis tag --all --add TAG1 QUERY
This adds TAG1 to all documents matching the QUERY rather than opening the picker to let you choose one.
Command-line Interface
Change a document’s tags.
papis tag [OPTIONS] [QUERY]
- -h, --help
Show this message and exit.
- --git, --no-git
Commit changes to git
- -d, --drop
Drop all tags
- -p, --add, --append <to_add>
Add a tag
- -r, --remove <to_remove>
Remove a tag
- -n, --rename <to_rename>
Rename a tag (<OLD-TAG NEW-TAG>)
- --doc-folder <doc_folder>
Document folder on which to apply action
- -a, --all
Apply action to all matching documents
- --sort <FIELD>
Sort documents with respect to the FIELD
- --reverse
Reverse sort order
Optional argument