
Using pip

The easiest way of installing papis is using the PyPi repositories and the package manager pip3, just open a terminal and type in

pip3 install papis

If you are on GNU/Linux like systems you might need to type sudo

sudo pip3 install papis

or if you prefer installing it locally then simply type

pip3 install --user papis

You can also update papis with pip

pip3 install --upgrade papis


  • The package papis is also found in the archlinux repositories here.

  • If you want to use the git version of papis instead refer to papis-git package. Thanks Julian!.


If you are running NixOS or you have the nix package manager installed, you can install papis by running:

nix-env -i papis

If you like papis, just clone the repository

git clone
cd papis

and start hacking it with:

nix-shell --expr 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; papis.overrideDerivation (drv: { src = ./.; })'

This command will provide you a shell with all the dependencies required.

From source

First of all you have to get the code, open a terminal and hit

git clone

or download the zip file.

Go inside of the papis source folder and you can either use the Makefile or install it with python3.

The general command that you have to hit is by using the script:

python3 install

Again, if you want to install it locally because you don’t have administrative rights on your computer you simply type

python3 install --user

If you want to work on the code, you can alternatively hit

python3 develop --user


If you install the package locally, the program papis will be installed by default into your ~/.local/bin directory, so that you will have to set your PATH accordingly.

One way of doing this in bash shells (Linux and the like, also Ubuntu on Windows or cygwin) is by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc file

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin


Papis needs the following packages that are sometimes not installed with the system python3 distribution


However if you have a general enough python distribution they should be installed.

Running tests

In order to run the necessary tests to submit a pull request, make sure that the following commands pass

python -m pytest papis/ tests/ --cov=papis
python -m mypy papis
python -m flake8 papis

for it, make sure that you have pytest, flake8 and mypy installed.

You can make sure that you have everything you need to run the tests by doing in the root directory

pip install .[develop]

this command installs the necessary dependencies for developing and running the tests. Look inside of the file for further information.

You can also look at the folder tools for scripts used in the CI testing phase for further context.