
The citations command updates and creates the citations.yaml and cited.yaml files for every document.


  • Create the citations.yaml file for a document that you pick

    papis citations --fetch-citations
  • Create the citations.yaml file for all documents matching an author

    papis citations --all --fetch-citations 'author:einstein'
  • Overwrite the citations.yaml file with the --force flag for all papers matching a query

    papis citations --force --fetch-citations 'author:einstein'
  • Update the citations.yaml file with citations of documents existing in your library

    papis citations --all --update-from-database 'author:einstein'
  • Create the cited-by.yaml for all documents in your library (this might take a while)

    papis citations --fetch-cited-by --all

Command-line Interface

Handle document citations

papis citations [OPTIONS] [QUERY]


-h, --help

Show this message and exit.

--sort <FIELD>

Sort documents with respect to the FIELD


Reverse sort order

-c, --fetch-citations

Fetch and save citations from Crossref

-d, --update-from-database

Fetch and save citations from database

-b, --fetch-cited-by

Fetch and save cited-by from database

-f, --force

Force action

-a, --all

Apply action to all matching documents

--doc-folder <doc_folder>

Document folder on which to apply action



Optional argument