Git support

Papis is made to work well with git and has functionality in most of its command to interact with it. This functionality can be turned on by default by using the use-git configuration setting. This guide gives a description of a possible workflow for using Git with Papis. This is not the only workflow, but it is the most obvious.

Let’s say you have a library named books in the directory ~/Documents/MyNiceBooks. You could turn the books library into a Git repository by running

papis -l books git init

which is completely equivalent to going into the library directory and running the commands there

cd ~/Documents/MyNiceBooks
git init

As this is the first run, we can just add all the documents to the repository (equivalent to a git add . and a git commit -m '...')

papis -l books git add .
papis -l books git commit -m 'initial commit'

In general the papis git command will just forward any arguments directly to the underlying git command. This allows users to easily access any Git functionality.

Interplay with other commands


Only the papis git command can be used to initialize a Git repository. All other commands assume the repository exists in the directory of the current library and their Git functionality will fail otherwise.

Some papis commands give you the opportunity of using Git to manage changes. For instance, if you are adding a new document, you could use the --git flag to also commit the document into Git like this

papis add --git --set author 'Pedrito' --set title 'Super book' book.pdf

In this case, Papis will do an automatic add + commit for the document. After that, you can push your library to a remote repository by running

papis git push origin main

As expected, other papis commands like update, addto, rename, mv, etc. also offer such functionality, and they all go through the --git flag.

Updating the library

To update the library from a remote repository, you can simply run

papis git pull

Usual workflow

With all this in mind, assuming the you have a git repository set up in the library folder, a papis git workflow could be based on the following.

When adding a document that you know for sure you want in your library:

  1. Add the document and commit it, either by papis add --git or by using papis git add after adding it to the library.

  2. Pull changes from the remote repository, maybe you pushed something on another machine (reference changes, etc.) and you do not have it on you current machine. You would do something like

    papis git pull
  3. Push what you just added

    papis git push
  4. Review the status of the library

    papis git status

When editing a document’s info file:

  1. Edit the file and then take a look at the diff

    papis git diff
  2. Add the changes to the staging area

    papis git add --all
  3. Commit the changes

    papis git commit
  4. Push your changes.

Of course these workflows are just very basic examples. Your optimal workflow could look completely different.