Custom scripts

As in git, you can write custom scripts to include them in the command spectrum of Papis.

Example: Mail script

Imagine you want to write a script to send papers to someone via the email client mutt (you can try to do it with another mail client), you could write the following script called papis-mail:

#! /usr/bin/env bash
# papis-short-help: Email a paper to my friend


papis -l ${PAPIS_LIB} export --folder --out ${folder_name}
zip -r ${zip_name} ${folder_name}

mutt -a ${zip_name}

Papis defines environment variables such as PAPIS_LIB so that external scripts can make use of the user input.

To use the script you can put it somewhere in your PATH or alternatively inside the ~/.papis/scripts folder. If this is the case then you can run

papis -h

and you will see that there is another command besides the default called mail. In fact, you will see

positional arguments:
  command               For further information for every command, type in 'papis <command> -h'
    add                 Add a document into a given library
    .............       ..........................
    mail                Email a paper to my friend

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  ... .........         .... ... ...... ....... ........... .. ..... ......

where the description Email a paper to my friend is there because we have defined the comment # papis-short-help: Email a paper to my friend in the header of the script.

Then, if you type

papis -l mylib mail this_paper

this will create a folder called this_paper with a selection of a document, zip it and send it to whoever you choose to.

Example: Accessing Papis from within mutt

You may want to pick documents to attach to your email in mutt from the Papis interface.

Add this code to your muttrc

# # macro to attach paper from Papis
macro attach,compose \cp \
<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter>\                                 # Don't require 'press any key'
<shell-escape>rm -rf /tmp/paper /tmp/<enter>\                # remove the folder /tmp/paper if it already exists
<shell-escape>papis export --folder -o /tmp/paper<enter>\             # start papis with the --folder flag
<shell-escape>zip -r /tmp/ /tmp/paper<enter>\                # zip the directory
<attach-file>/tmp/<enter>\                                   # attach zip file to the email

Try it out with Ctrl-p on your Compose screen. This makes use of the papis export --folder flag that moves the paper folder you choose to a temporary location (/tmp/paper). Mutt will then attach the paper to the email, which you can rename to be more descriptive with R.

Example: Define Papis mode in i3wm

This is an example of using Papis with the window manager i3.

# Enter Papis mode
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+p mode "papis"

# Define Papis mode
mode "papis" {

  # open documents
  bindsym $mod+o exec python3 -m papis.main \
    --pick-lib --set picktool dmenu open

  # edit documents
  bindsym $mod+e exec python3 -m papis.main \
    --pick-lib --set picktool dmenu --set editor gvim edit

  # open document's url
  bindsym $mod+b exec python3 -m papis.main \
    --pick-lib --set picktool dmenu browse

  # return to default mode
  bindsym Ctrl+c mode "default"
  bindsym Return mode "default"
  bindsym Escape mode "default"